Sorry, but could not post onto your blog for some reason.
Fantastic amount of work here - I am staggered by your output.
Few things to consider
1. Your animatic - should be the same length as your film. Each shot should represent the actual film shot. So, if this is the end version you are a few minutes short.
2. You will need to consider title and end credits as well at some point - will they be integrated into film or "subtract" seconds from your footage?
3. I believe Marion discussed with you the possibility of some ambiguity in the ending - have you considered this?
4. Representation - well done you have considered how you will portray young people. There are two issues here, both Gender and Age!
5. Glad to see you are identifying who your target audience is. I was a bit concerned when you begaan to blog the views of family - remember they do not form part of your target audience.
In your discussion of narrative, consider "Narrative Structure" - how does yours relate to some of the theorists that we have looked at - it may adopt this or challenge it.
Well done for alos considering issues around the industry aswell.
My poster design
9 years ago