My poster design
9 years ago
Deadline 3
Continued work on poster following supervisor feedback and preparation
for final deadline below.
Teacher-led introduction to Review ancillary task over 2 lessons
Audience feedback on finished POSTER AND FILM products
(perhaps gathered using Facebook or similar) to be recorded on blog
MONDAY 11th February, 4.10
Deadline for first written draft of review copy (word processed on the blog)
Deadline for first indesign draft for review, for blocking and layout, uploaded to blog
Deadline for comments justifying design and copy decisions as blog posts.
Deadline 4
Final work continuing on poster and review
and re-drafting following supervisor advice to complete these components.
All decisions and drafts to be posted to blog.
Aim for 3 drafts of work in progress for the poster and review.
Final deadline for poster and review:
Thursday 14th February (half term)
All 3 parts of the portfolio are now complete.