Monday, 30 September 2013

Completing your research

You have now started planning.

Alot of you still need to complete or start the 3 outstanding posts -

  • weaknesses from last year,
  • glossary of terms,
  • research into 10 shorts.


is a chronological package and you can't go back and insert poosts into the correct place.  I would suggest therefore that you insert the titles of any missing POSTS which will allow you to return to them, complete them and maintain the overall order of the blog.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Short film links


You could try this search as well - click here

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Post Four

Research into Short films.

Deadline for this is Friday September 20th. (block 5 have until Monday 23rd)

Read the guidance on Moodle (also some printed copies in GF5).

Conduct  Textual Analysis on 10 Short Films in total.

3 of these can be of films that you analysed during the transition period.
The other 7 need to be original Short films that we did not study in class.

This is a total of 10 per group member

The whole point of this exercise is to apply all 5 media concepts - Genre, Representation, Audience, Narrative and Media Language, to each film.  Lok at the guidance notes for help with this.  See MOODLE for guidance

We appreciate that this is a considerable piece of work - it si quite acceptable to concentrate on some concepts more than others in in some films.  e.g. a short film about Old Age or Disability will lend itself particularly well to a discussion on REPRESENTATION.

Try to research films with a similar time frame (5 mins) - this will help you in assessing what is realistic to achieve in 5 mins.

Be imaginative in how you post this - it does not have to be written - you could present it as a video commentary for instance.  If you do opt for a written style, we expect lots of Screen grabs or Excerpts from the films that you analyse.

PLUS, For each short film that you analyse, discuss how you would like to take any of the ideas forward into your own work.  

Show the connection between films that you have watched and your own work
Post Three

List the 5 main concepts and the key theorists and terms associated with each.  This post will simply serve as a reminder for when you are writing later posts and it will also help you when it comes to question 1b of the exam.  Use Moodle (A2 Media) to locate the notes from the transition period)





and don't forget MEDIA LANGUAGE!!!!!!!!!

This can be a group post

Post Two

What problems did you have in the making of your foundation portfoilio?

What lessons have you learnt and how are you going to overcome these this time round?

If you are working in the same group, this can be a single post, however, if you are now in a group made up of several previous groups, you need to do this for each of the previous groups.

What ever the format, each individual should identify personal targets identifying what they will personally improve upon this during the advanced portfolio.

Post one

Your group photo with an introduction.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Welcome back and welcome to your second year.

You will be starting work on your Advanced Portfolio immediately - researching and Planning for the short film.

Media studies achieved its best ever results last year - 62% of students got an A*, A or B grade.  There is no reason why you should not be aiming for something similar - certainly your AS grades make it a realistic possibility.

Choose your group carefully - are the people you work with reliable, can you meet up easily both inside and outside of college, do they offer different skill sets?

You need to tell us who you will be working with VERY SOON!