Thursday, 20 February 2014

FINAL opportunity to improve your Short film and Film Poster

We have marked your Short film and Poster work over half term. 

Read our comments (these are written in the comment box on your blogs under the final submission of product post)

We have indicated ways in which you can return to these products and improve them.  The suggestions that we make are fairly achievable in the limited time that we are giving over to you.  For some groups, we may not have made any suggestions becuase it is not worth the investment in time.  However, it is likely that you have been given comments about the Poster instead.

You have TWO weeks in which to make these alterations.

If you do act on our advice, you must write a new post and label it - "Final improvments to Short film and Poster" and write an expalnation of what you have changed (including timings for film alterations) and why.  We will then know that we need to remark the work.  No comment will mean that we will assume that no alterations have been made and the mark we have given will remain unaltered.

These alterations will need to be done in your own time - no lesson time will be given over to this.  In addition, normal media studies homework deadlines will continue and must be met.

FINAL deadline Friday 7th March

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Evaluation deadline

Well done to those of you that posted your evaluations and met the deadline.

Disappointingly, some students failed to meet the deadline completely (Nothing at all posted), and some were very incomplete.  

For those that posted nothing, this will result in you loosing 20 marks - this was a final deadline.  

Those that posted incomplete answers can only be awarded partial marks.  

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Evaluation deadline is approaching this week - Wednesday 12th February Midnight.

The following students appear to have posted nothing.  


George, Jake, Tom, Sam

Jodie, Max and Emily

Max and Max

Elliot, Ziaul and Keelan

Others nor mentioned have posted draft in varying degrees of completeness.  

You have a huge amount of work to do in a couple of days if you have not yet begun!

This is a final deadline.