Deadline One - Initial research.
Well done to those of you who have made this first deadline and also the Summer homework deadline and the AS Evaluation. This will be transferred onto your E-trackr.
Block 4
Meg - Summer Homework completed, AS Evaluation Completed and 5 short films (you have completed 4 of 5).
Holly - Summer homework completed, As evaluation completed and 5 films completed.
Alex - Summer Homework completed, AS Evaluation completed and 5 films completed.
Luke H - Completed Summer Homework, completed AS Evaluation - NO 5 films
Claire - No Summer work, No AS Evaluation, 1 film only completed.
Alex - AS Evaluation. 2 films of 5 for Summer work, No 5 films
Kayla - Summer work completed, AS Evaluation completed - 1 of 5 films completed for new research
Kate - AS Evaluation complete and 4 new films analysed. Summer work complete
Ed - AS Evaluation completed, Summer work completed. 5 films completed.
Ailsa - all work completed
Jess - all work completed
Francis - al work completed
Luc, You have caught up on all the work - well done.
Keira - nothing at al posted
George - Summer HW only posted. The 5 recent films? AS Evaluation?