Sunday, 16 November 2014

The Film Poster – Interim Deadlines

The Film Poster – Interim Deadlines

Deadline 1 – Initial Research
Each student to post at least 3 to 4 analyses of relevant and real posters
to the blog (average 12 per group). See checklist on what to include.

This posted to the blog by MONDAY December 1st.

Deadline 2 – initial planning
Each member of group to create an initial draft for a poster design in Photoshop,
with accompanying analysis of decisions made.  (Cover conventions, layout and MRANG).
Upload any photographic images that are used in your poster design on a separate post
and explain any modifications that are made.

Friday December 5th Midnight

Deadline 3 – planning and final submission
As a group, show at least 3 stages through which your poster(s) have evolved to show process. The expectation is that you will have two posters in development.
Collect Audience feedback during this process.
Justify all your decisions and alterations.

Ensure that there is a post discussing branding (development of logo and titling
and use across both mediums).

Each individual member of the group to post a clearly labeled analysis of conventions, layout and MRANG, as applied to the final poster.
Final Poster clearly posted as final version – upload to blog and into appropriate completed folder on Mac Network.

Audience Feedback on completed Poster.

Friday December 12th midnight

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